South West Region

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Welcome to the South West Region page! In 2023, SW TARS were kindly given permission to read the ‘Sparkinson’ Interviews over Zoom by Brian Hopton and his fellow authors, Jill Goulder and SW member Paul Crisp. These were previously performed at the Foxlease AGM and subsequently included in the Amazon Publication ‘Ransome Centre Stage’. ‘Sparkinson’, based on Michael Parkinson (TV broadcaster), was played by Brian Sparkes, hence ‘Sparkinson’ and he interviewed six of the main adult characters in AR’s twelve books, about their imagined backgrounds and parts played in the stories.

In July, after a brilliant introduction by Paul Crisp, we read three of the interviews. Arthur Herbertson as Sparkinson, interviewed James Turner, read by Paul, then Susan Gouldbourne took over as Sparkinson and talked to Mary Walker, played by Lindy Castell and Missee Lee played by Barbara Flower.

In July 2024, again via Zoom we did the other three interviews – Paul Crisp interviewed Molly Blackett, played by Liz Crisp; Susan Gouldbourne interviewed Lt Col Jolys played by Paul Crisp; Naomi Hemingway interviewed the GA played by Barbara Flower.

If you would like to listen to the recordings which have been greatly improved by Alan Hakim’s editing skills, scroll down or follow the link to the bottom of the page. Alan made a CD for Brian Hopton from the recordings, but sad to say Brian died before he could listen to them. Also at the foot of the page, there is a recording of Alan Kennedy’s talk ‘Arthur Ransome and the debacle at Durham University’ and a YouTube video of his ‘Chasing the Blue Bird’ talk.

Events coming up – Sunday 1st September we are going to have a walk round Bishopsteignton and Teignmouth in Devon looking at houses lived in by Ivy Ransome, and possibly go on a boat trip, followed by our annual Bring and Scoff Literary day near Taunton on Saturday 12th October, and then a Zoom talk on heraldry inspired by Peter Duck’s kitbag on Saturday 23rd November.

For more information about committee members, see Gateway pages in Signals

As Signals is now on this site, we are not repeating what was reported there. This is more about our community. The public site is designed to encourage interest in TARS, not to give much information, they need to become a member to find that.

As always if you have any suggestions for events/activities do please let us know.

Do remember if you are planning an event which is suitable for national attendance to contact Ben Hambleton to avoid date clashes.

In Memory of Yvonne Varley – Her special Bunloaf Recipe – delicious

4oz currants + 4oz sultanas, soaked overnight in a mug of cold tea (plus a good splash of whisky for older TARS)
1 large egg
2 tablespoons marmalade (traditional Oxford recommended)
4oz brown sugar
8oz self raising flour

1.       Beat the egg and marmalade together
2.       Add the fruit, tea, sugar and flour and mix well
3.       Put mixture into greased loaf tin
4.       Cook in oven for 90 in at 1500C

SO simple! Keeps well, and is well received when served in buttered slices.

More members!
We still have too few Juniors/Students in the region and wish all our members to share this website (which will take the visitor to the publicly accessible pages only) with everyone they know who has children who need something to do (click here to see for yourself); people they know who like Ransomeish things, as they will no doubt know people with children, and if you take the first step the website will spread virally, and we know a lot about how effective that is!

Does anyone know a Brownie or Guide group who would like to gain the Swallows and Amazons badge (scroll down from Your Adventure on the Public site and click on Brownies and Guides).

Sparkinson Interviews

Intro by Paul Crisp

Interviews JT – M

Interviews – Molly Blackett

Interviews – Col Jolys

Interviews – GA

Here is the voice recording of the talk given for SW Region by Alan Kennedy on Ransome’s award of a MA at Durham University and why he walked out of the ceremony.

Here is the Chasing the Blue Bird talk by Alan Kennedy.