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Arthur Ransome on the Web - The Arthur Ransome Society

Arthur Ransome on the Web

All Things Ransome

Serious about facts? There is a lot on the web about Arthur Ransome most of which is in the members side of this site. If you want to see a public access site for more information about Arthur Ransome before joining TARS, please click on this external site which contains a link back to this site’s home page.

Becoming a member gives you access to the members side of this website which is loaded with information about Ransome and his works and reviews of Ransome-like books, and gives the full timetable of events. See Membership.

The Nancy Blackett Trust

Visit or sail Arthur’s actual yacht which is the Goblin in We Didn’t Mean to Go to Sea.

Arthur Ransome Trust

As a serious literary society TARS is a member of The Alliance of Literary Societies, and they even have a shared board member. https://allianceofliterarysocieties.wordpress.com/